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The Seeking

A woman and a man seek a beast of immense power to end its destructive nature. 

Story in first draft. After the initial writing, I read Neil Gaiman's The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains*. That story has the tone that I'd love The Seeking to eventually take, but I haven't yet put for the editing prowess to make it happen. I'll accept other comments and criticism via my contact page. (~12k words; Version 2014-09-26)

*Story linked for ease of location only. I doubt it is legal to link an unauthorized copy of the story, although you can read it via: or 

The Loved and the Scorned

A fairy tale written as an undertone to the first novel I wrote currently titled Truth in rewrite. Truth is not currently available for review because it is deeply flawed as a novel. (~3k words)

This story has multiple endings, which is part of the tie in to Truth

Universal Itch

A nighttime itch propels a consciousness into the cosmos. (<1k words)

This short short has been edited but the updated have not yet been incorporated electronically. 

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